California Championship at Stockton Trap and Skeet

Stockton T & S hosts the California Skeet Championship. Daniel Bocks wins HOA with 394 after a shoot-off with Dan Jones. Dave Anderson is third with 392. 12 Gauge Winners 20 Ga winners 28 Ga winners 410 Bore winners Doubles winners HOA winners HAA winners All...

August Heat Open at L. A. Clays

Hurricane Hillary drowns out Sunday’s shoot. Ryan Sawyer makes a great first showing. 12 Ga Winners 20 Ga Winners Doubles Winners Score...

May Flowers Open at L. A. Clays

L. A. Clays has its first registered shoot this year. Dennis James wins HOA Champion with 381. 12 Ga Winners 20 Ga Winners 28 Ga Winners 410 Br Winners Doubles Winners HOA Winners Score...

Grant Hammon Memorial at USI

Rocky Romo is HOA winner with 385. Sean Johnson shoots his first ever 100 straight in the 12 Ga. Doubles Winners 12 Ga Winners 20 Ga Winners 28 Ga Winners 410 Bore Winners HOA Winners Score Summary Send your photos of this event top See Photos...

April Fool Open at USI

Richard Fukatsu wins HOA with 387 after a shoot-off with Rocky Romo. Johnny Bunch takes the 12 Ga event with his first ever 75 straight while shooting a 98. Doubles Winners 12 Ga Winners 20 Ga Winners 28 Ga Winners 410 Bore Winners HOA Winners Score Summary Richard...
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