First 100s in .410
Joe Fry and Jack Campbell shoot their first 100 straight in the .410 event.
.410 Winners
Joe Fry, Jack Campbell and Dan Lewis
Lady Champions
Remington De Witt Center with 383
Chris, Lola, Dennis & John
Chief Referee Mike Anderson with Kathy Reel
Tina scores shootoffs in her cute hat
Lots of shade was available
Neil Vann smokes another one
Neil Breaks Number 400,000
The Score Sheet
Targets 399,901 thru 400,000
Richard Fukatsu and Lola Fitzgerald
Hall of Fame Inductee Richard Fukatsu
Richard Fukatsu and Brad Young
Brad presenting the HOF award
Shawn Rommel and Vern Hovanisian
Shawn Rommel and Ron Klepper
Mike Anderson with Lola and Joe
Tracy Edwards, Joe Fry, Hal Stewart
Lola Fitzgerald and friends
Joe and Jack
Joe Fry and Jack Campbell shoot off the .410 Gun Champion
Melissa, Remi & Lola
Lola wins .410 Lady Champ